24.01.2015 в 23:31
Пишет SilverFox:"Вы не добрые, вы не злые - вы порядочные. Я не добрая, я не порядочная - я права. Я - ведьма. Вы - весь мир."
You're so nice.
You're not good,
You're not bad,
You're just nice.
I'm not good,
I'm not nice,
I'm just right.
I'm the Witch.
You're the world
(c) Into The Woods - Last Midnight
URL записиYou're so nice.
You're not good,
You're not bad,
You're just nice.
I'm not good,
I'm not nice,
I'm just right.
I'm the Witch.
You're the world
(c) Into The Woods - Last Midnight